Which Headshots Should You Choose For A Casting?

I always aim to make my headshot capturing sessions relaxed but productive affairs. However, if you are an actor who has just been handed a gallery of shots taken by me, you have a question to think about: which of these pictures should be used for what types of casting? Here are some pointers.

Put each face to a type

Looking over the shots in front of you could leave you feeling like you are looking at a big crowd of your clones. You're here, there and everywhere... yet, you could be showing distinctively different poses and facial expressions in many of those images.

That's a good thing, as it means that different Headshots can be used for different casting types. Make a list of those types before trying to assign an image to each of them. Resist simply focusing on the images where you have ramped up the sex appeal, as they might not necessarily land you jobs.

This is a time to be instinctive

Which of your photos do you feel most naturally drawn to from the moment you start looking at them? It can pay to listen to your instinct. Also, test the enduring appeal of the most immediately eye-catching images by squinting and slightly blurring your eyes as you look at them.

Which headshots continue to stand out at that point? Whether this is due to the colour, general shape or something else in the imagery, these photos can be worth setting to one side.

Don't just disregard imperfect photos

There might be some shots that look somewhat promising, but which you want to rule out using for one reason or another. Perhaps one image doesn't look bright enough, while another picture has the contrast wrong. However, headshots can be tweaked after they are captured, so resist dropping one too quickly that, with a little polish, could actually get you a dream casting!

Getting such castings is one thing that I routinely look forward to helping actors to do. Please contact me for more information about how I can effectively capture you on camera in an atmospheric Central London location, or peruse my packages and pricing now. Visit for: https://www.stevelawton.com/headshot-prices/

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